4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
no school tomorrow
Thank you for all you do!
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
Due to the expected incoming severe weather, we are going to dismiss at 1:00 pm today. This dismissal will allow us to transport all students home, as well as have our bus drivers return before the weather arrives. The safe rooms at all three school buildings will be open to the community for tornado warnings.
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Reminder! Tomorrow is the first Wednesday of the month, which means we have a one-hour delay for students.
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
One hour delay reminder
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at school tomorrow!
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
welcome back from break
Have a great break!
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Spring break graphic
Come be a part of our staff!
4 months ago, Monika Spaulding
School bus drivers/monitors
With the time change, our staff and students are back to going to school in the dark. We cannot do anything about the time change, but we can slow down around the schools to make sure everyone is getting into the schools safely. Please be alert and slow down, especially between 7:15 and 8:15 a.m. while people are crossing roadways to enter the buildings. Thank you for helping us keep our school family safe.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Slow down
Congratulations to Jill Mires, who was hired as the new superintendent of Salem Schools at tonight's meeting!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Jill Mires with daughter
Jill Mires with admin staff
The School Board will meet for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held in the presentation room at Salem High School.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Board agenda
Board agenda
Board agenda
Board agenda
Board agenda
It's time! Kindergarten registration is here! Fill out the form at this link or by scanning the QR code below to set up a registration time for your child! We can't wait to meet the Class of 2037!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Kindergarten registration
Tomorrow is the monthly PLC one-hour delay. School will start one hour behind the normal time.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
One-hour delay tomorrow
We are lucky to have the amazing custodial staffs we have at each of our school buildings. We appreciate all they do to make our facilities the best they can be!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Maintenance Appreciation post
Join us for Night of the Arts on Monday, March 4, in the ROC (new gym) at SMS from 6-8 p.m.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Night of the arts flyer
Indiana State Police will be on school grounds tomorrow conducting a training throughout the day.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
As a precaution, if tornado warnings are issued this evening, all three safe rooms on the Salem Community Schools campus will be open for those who need a place to take shelter.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
Support Salem Schools Feb. 28 at H&R Bakery. Get some goodies and help support our schools!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
H&R Fundraiser
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Share the names of your favorite bus drivers and help us recognize them today!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
School bus driver appreciation day
Salem Community Schools will release one hour early today due to impending weather.
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
We will be in school Monday!
5 months ago, Monika Spaulding
School will be in session Monday